Saturday, 14 March 2015

Evaluation - Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Well I personally think that my preliminary task was by far better than the final edit of the thriller. Not only because it had a better plot to it but it also had; Better acting, better camera shots and the conventions of a proper thriller. 

If I could redo the Thriller task then I would without hesitation, I believe that it has a lot of potential to be a good thriller, as long as we change it from a football hooligan film to an actual thriller storyline. 

Although my final piece did have some conventions of a thriller, but not many, if my group had more time I think that we could have made something from it, by adding maybe a murder into the mix, and making it a investigation/crime thriller.

The preliminary had dialogue, which involved the audience more, and it gives them something to go off, a sort of indication into what the film may contain. Whereas in our final thriller edit, there was no dialogue and that is where we really slipped up. Using dialogue we could have foreshadowed or hinted to a thriller convention, maybe something involving crime such as; A robbery or a Murder. It would have made the final edit more  like a thriller than it actually was.

We did have a voice over, of the main character, talking about the game, and how he has had troubles with the opposition before. However, due to malfunctions with technology, we unfortunately couldn't upload the voice clip onto the video, and therefore lost out on our plot being narrated for the audience. That in itself could also have made the film have more of  thriller feel, but it didn't fall through.

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